
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 37

This morning was market day in Agona so we all met at the internet café at 10:30. I love going to the Internet Café and reading messages and emails from friends! I have gotten emails from so many different friends and family members that have made me laugh very loud in the public Internet café. I got a couple emails from missionaries, my parents, Audrey, and so many other friends. Thank you to everyone for writing me, I love them! Right before I was about to send a reply to my mom’s awesome email the power shut off. We waited for a few minutes in hope that it would turn back on but we were out of luck. We decided to get lunch and a drink earlier and go to The Gentle Spot. The fried rice lady that we normally get food from was closed down so we went next door and got fried rice from a different lady. The ‘fast food’ here is fried rice with shito (really spicy sauce), cole-slaw, and fried chicken. This new lady put so much shito on the rice our lips felt like they were burning off. We had to pull out crackers to absorb some of the heat. It began to rain a bit then it started coming down in sheets. All of the roofs are made of tin so it makes it close to impossible to hear anyone. We spent the next 2 hours at the Gentle Spot waiting for the rain to let up. We hardly have sugar so after our sodas we get pretty wound up. For some reason we decided that it would be fun to play M.A.S.H. and you know what, it was! I felt like I was 12 years old at my best friends slumber party playing the game. I have the best record for getting every possible bad outcome in the game. I don’t know why I always play it. My M.A.S.H. ended with me marrying someone at the clinic that’s in love with me, 17 kids, and working as a garbage woman. Once the rain let up we walked back to the café and heard the sweet sound of a generator.  We finished up writing emails and I got one from my dad saying he had changed my flight so now I’m on the same flight with the other girls! I also got to talk to my sister Audrey on facebook! I love when we’re both online at the same time because she’s the one family member that isn’t home when we talk. She is so lucky living in DC, she is making me want to apply to PA school somewhere nearby with all the fun she’s having there. Our day was pretty much lost waiting in the bar for the rain to stop so after we finished our email we went home.  
My thoughts were pretty pre-occupied with thinking about my brother most of the day because today was his ACL surgery. I just hated not being able to talk to him or see him before. I was in the middle of writing my notes when I got a call from Katie telling me that Steven was still in surgery because he tore a couple other things so it was taking a little longer than expected. It worried me that he would have to get other things fixed but Steven is the toughest guy I know and he’ll be able to get through this. He is the best little brother anyone could ask for. He loves to tease me but I know he loves me and is still that sweet little boy that used to call me ‘ya-ya’. I can’t wait to see him in a couple months and I hope he’s recovering quickly! Love ya bro!

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