
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 71

Today I worked in the dispensary with Rita all day today. It was only her and I the whole day so we just bonded most of the day. She gave me some of her delicious red sauce over spaghetti for lunch. We talked about her family and her relationship with her boyfriend. She doesn’t want to be in the relationship much longer but wants to travel instead. She wants to go to the United States and is working on doing that right now. It was surprisingly very busy for a Monday. Whenever one of us sat down to talk, someone would come to the window with their chart. I was sent on a bunch of errands all around the clinic. I am always happy to help out and make it easier for the actual workers. They all call me their personal assistant. It was relatively normal except for one incident with a woman throwing up all over the waiting area for the dispensary. I wasn’t behind the window but actually out in the waiting area also while I watched her collapse over the bench in front of her and throw up. I’m not sure if she was shaking or convulsing but I watched for a few seconds before running to get a nurse to help her. I went right next door and found 3 nurses just standing around and talking. I told them that a woman is throwing up and she needs someone to help her. They all turned around and said “what do you want us to do about it?” I was so shocked at their response I sort of stuttered out “Something, quick!” But the nurses waved me away and continued to stand around and talk. I told another staff member walking by and she said “Don’t mind her, she’ll be fine soon”. I don’t know what I expected them to do but I expected someone to do something. The woman just sat on filthy floor and looked absolutely miserable. I kept remembering how I felt last semester when I got really sick and felt so bad for this woman. She sat there for quite a while before someone came and got her. I worked at the clinic until 4 before walking home. The power was out all day today so the town was pretty quiet while I walked home. I usually have parades of children at my side so it’s nice when I can walk home in peace. I got home and talked with Cassie for a bit before going out in the town. She didn’t go to the school for very long today so we just walked to Nana’s shop to get water and then to the station to buy some Obama crackers. We came home around 6 and started making dinner. We have a new dish that is so good, we’ll probably end up eating it for dinner every night until we leave. We are both so sick of the rice and want something not so heavy. Cassie made it up a couple nights ago and loved it so I thought I would try it too. We sautéed onion, green pepper, and groundnut and then added one egg with nutmeg seasoning and salt onto it. We put it on top of sliced bread and ate it like a sandwich. It’s such a strange mixture of food but it works. I am blessed with the taste buds that allow me to eat almost all and any types of food. After dinner I went inside and did some research and coursework.

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