As I continue my application and prepare myself to hopefully actually go to Ghana I put toether 25 questions about Ghanaian culture and living standards.
1. What is the Infant Mortality Rate
2. What modern medicine could potentially interfere on cultural traditions?
3. What is the average income in Ghana? How is that compared to the rest of Africa?
4. What outside help, if any, does Ghana receive from more developed countries?
5. What natural disasters occur in that region?
6. What is the country's main source of revenue?
7. What is the crime rate? Is it a safe place for tourism?
8. What are marriages like? Do the husband and wife have strict roles to play?
9. WHat is the average length of time people attend school? Do many have a college degree?
10. What is the average life expectancy?
11. What are typical meals?
12. When dud Ghana become independent?
13. Are the beaches a nice tourist location? Do they bring lots of revenue for the country?
14. How available are hospitals, clinics, and doctor's offices?
15. What is the LDS church membership like?
16. What do people wear normally?
17. How is the pre-natal care?
18. What do the houses look like?
19. Is there a lot of wildlife and forest areas?
20. What are the television shows like?
21. What is the dominant religion?
22. Any special Holidays that only Ghanaians celebrate?
23. What types of sports are popular there?
24. What is the shopping like? (Clothing, groceries, cars etc.)
25. How is their government set up?
Lauren wrote a great blog post this week about the history of Ghanaian health care and how Western medicine was introduced, which may be applicable for your project. Check it out: